Our Diabolikal Rapture

by HIM

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:05 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Greatest Lovesongs Vol.666

Song Author

Ville Valo

Tabbed by



1st → Gitara
2nd → Bas
3rd → Gitara 2
4th → Udarnie
5th → Vokal
6th → Agogo
7th → Klavishnie
8th → Gitara 3

File Size

48 KB




In our dia bo li kal ra pture we live on an d on and death keeps kno cking at o-our do-o-or m-m-m-m so we o pen the door and we die a bit more we 're in love with death and we die on a-a-nd o-o-on oh-m-m-m won't you clo-ose our eyes we'll be b-y your si-ide ah-a-a-ah in your hea ven ly ra pture we die on an d on and you keep wai ting at o-our door yes we o pen the door let us die a bit more we 're in love with you and we die on an d on oh-o won't you clo-ose our eyes we'll be b-y your si-ide ah-a-a-ah your lo-oveis the on ly thing I live for i-in this world oh how I wait fo-or the day your hea-a-art burns in these hea ven ly fla-a-ames I have al rea-a-dy scorch edin I just want you to know i'll al ways be wa-a-ai ting your lo-oveis the on ly thing I live for i-in this world oh how I wait fo-or the day your hea-a-art burns in these hea ven ly fla-a-ames I have al rea-a-dy scorch edin I just want you to know i'll al ways be wa-a-ai ting


Ochen' staralsya "...I see as goes towards to someone in white and with slanting. All we VISITORS in this world. IT IS TIME HOME..." (E. Shklyarskiy. Piknik) Visit http://whitesky666.narod.ru/